Convert String to Uppercase Decussate in C++

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I have this code:

        Str UpperCase()
        Str Result;
        int i = 0;
        for (; string[i]; i++)
            if (string[i] <= 'z' && string[i] >= 'a')
                string[i] -= 32;
            Result.string[i] = string[i];
        Result.string[i] = 0;
        return Result;

It will make String Uppercase. What should I do if I want it to be Decussate? Example: hi my name is pooya ==> Hi My NaMe Is PoOyA

Sorry for my bad english and Thanks ;)


There are 1 answers

 Str UpperCase()
        Str Result;
        int i = 0;
        int decussate = 0;
        for (; string[i]; i++)
            if (string[i] <= 'z' && string[i] >= 'a')
                if( decussate%2 == 1 ){
                    string[i] -= 32;
            Result.string[i] = string[i];
        Result.string[i] = 0;
        return Result;

Add int decussate, by changing it between an odd and an even number everytime a lowercase letter is found, it will create a pattern in which the 1,3,5,7,and so on letters will be capitalized, assuming the string is in lowercase.