Possible Duplicate:
C# convert RGB value to CMYK using an ICC profile?
Well.. I've been working on this for some time and discovered many things about this world, but could not perform one conversion. If I use:
System.Windows.Media.Color color = Color.FromValues(colorValues, new Uri(@"D:\ISOcoated_v2_300_eci.icc"));
Or any other color profile, I get a great result! But the parameter "colorValues" is in CMYK, and the result value is in RGB. =(
I need to pass the values in RGB and the method return me the value in CMYK. Preferably corresponding with the above conversion or some value close.
Some links I found:
C# convert RGB value to CMYK using an ICC profile? (I did exactly what was posted and the result was totally false and incompatible)
http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.windows.media.colorcontext.aspx and http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.windows.media.imaging.formatconvertedbitmap(v=vs.85).aspx (I got a number of exceptions.. )
Among others, none helped me for various reasons.. (Please not to post the RGB to CMYK formula I would like to use profiles)