Convert long text string to proper HTML

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Say I have a long string from a wysiwyg text editor.

var string = '<div class="section"><h2 #id="section1">Find the thing</h2><p>Here is a paragraph.</p><img src=""><p>Here is a second paragraph</p><p>Woah, you mean to tell me there's three paragraphs!</p></div><div class="section"><h2 #id="section2">Find the thing</h2><p>Here is a paragraph.</p><img src=""><p>Here is a second paragraph</p><p>Woah, you mean to tell me there's three paragraphs!</p></div><div class="section"><h2 #id="section3">Find the thing</h2><p>Here is a paragraph.</p><img src=""><p>Here is a second paragraph</p><p>Woah, you mean to tell me there's three paragraphs!</p></div>'

Is there a Vue way to turn that string into structured HTML?

I want to create an array of the h2 elements from the original string and then pass the array to a child component as a prop.


There are 2 answers

Gabriel Willemann On BEST ANSWER

Do you want something like that:

    <child :h2Elements="h2Elements" />

import child from './components/child.vue';

export default {
  name: 'app',
  components: { child },
  data() {
    return {
      h2Elements: [],
  mounted() {
    let myRoot = document.createElement('div');
    myRoot.innerHTML = `<div class="section"><h2 #id="section1">Find the thing</h2><p>Here is a paragraph.</p><img src=""><p>Here is a second paragraph</p><p>Woah, you mean to tell me there's three paragraphs!</p></div><div class="section"><h2 #id="section2">Find the thing</h2><p>Here is a paragraph.</p><img src=""><p>Here is a second paragraph</p><p>Woah, you mean to tell me there's three paragraphs!</p></div><div class="section"><h2 #id="section3">Find the thing</h2><p>Here is a paragraph.</p><img src=""><p>Here is a second paragraph</p><p>Woah, you mean to tell me there's three paragraphs!</p></div>`;
    for (let div of myRoot.childNodes) {
      let [h2] = div.getElementsByTagName('h2');
  <div>{{ => h2.innerText) }}</div>

export default {
  name: 'child',
  props: ['h2Elements'],
Gabriel Willemann On

Try use the directie v-html.

Attention: Note that the contents are inserted as plain HTML - they will not be compiled as Vue templates.