I would like to convert this Lasagne code:
et = {}
net['input'] = lasagne.layers.InputLayer((100, 1, 24, 113))
net['conv1/5x1'] = lasagne.layers.Conv2DLayer(net['input'], 64, (5, 1))
net['shuff'] = lasagne.layers.DimshuffleLayer(net['conv1/5x1'], (0, 2, 1, 3))
net['lstm1'] = lasagne.layers.LSTMLayer(net['shuff'], 128)
in Keras code. Currently I came up with this:
multi_input = Input(shape=(1, 24, 113), name='multi_input')
y = Conv2D(64, (5, 1), activation='relu', data_format='channels_first')(multi_input)
y = LSTM(128)(y)
But I get the error: Input 0 is incompatible with layer lstm_1: expected ndim=3, found ndim=4
I put the documents of Lasagne and Keras here so you can do cross-referencing:
Basically the API is the same, but Lasagne probably does reshape for you (I need to check the source code later). That's why you got this error:
, since the tensor shape after
is(?, 64, 20, 113)
Therefore, the solution is to reshape it to
(?, 20, 7232)
Confirmed with the Lasagne source code, it does the trick for you:
So the correct tensor shape as input for LSTM is
(?, 20, 64 * 113)
=(?, 20, 7232)
is redundant here in Keras since you have to reshape anyway. The reason why I put it here is to have a "full translation" from Lasagne to Keras, and it does whatDimshuffleLaye
does in Lasagne.DimshuffleLaye
is however needed in Lasagne because of the reason I mentioned in Edit, the new dimension created by Lasagne LSTM is from the multiplication of "the last two" dimensions.