convert JSON object to query string and then back to an object

3.4k views Asked by At

I know this has been asked a few times but please bear with me.

I have a google maps object which is rather complex (it contains various nodes, coordinates, etc) and I am trying to pass it as a query string.

I need a play javascript/jQuery solution.

I have tried the .param method which gives a jQuery error. The only thing that works is the "stringify" method which then creates a string that when appearing as a url looks a bit like this: %7B%5C"shape_1%5C"%3A%7B%5C"color%5C"%3A%5C"%237F0000%5C"%2C%5C"data%5C"%3A%7B%5C"b%5C"%3A%5B%7B%5C"Na%5C"%3A51.56727431757122%2C%5C"Oa%5C"%3A-0.10462402858888709%7D%2C....

php translates that as: {\\"shape_1\\":{\\"color\\":\\"#7F0000\\",\\"data\\":{\\"b\\":[{\\"Na\\":51.56727431757122,\\"Oa\\":-0.10462402858888709},...

but having said that I don't want to use PHP, I am just showing you what it does in case it helps you see what stringify did to the object.

After I unescape with Javascript it looks a bit more normal like:


So as you can see, the unescaped sequence has these slashes everywhere. When I try to evaluate that into a JSON object I get "Illegal token \". The parse method also fails. I just can't find any way to put this string back into the complex JSON object that it was. I have looked online for various suggestions but they fail. I also don't understand why stringify injects all these slashes which simply shouldn't be there. If anyone has an idea how to take that object, put it in a query string and then parse it back I would be very grateful.


Update: The answer is this:


And then on the receiving end:

var a = querySt("data");
var b = decodeURIComponent(a);
var c = unescape(b);
var d = JSON.parse(c);

or all in one line




There are 2 answers


See - you have to turn off magic quotes. They are old, deprecated stuff, they are insecure and break stuff.

Magic Quotes is a process that automagically escapes incoming data to the PHP script. It's preferred to code with magic quotes off and to instead escape the data at runtime, as needed.


Premchandra Singh On

Try this to convert query string into json object

var queryStringToJSON = function (url) {
    if (url === '')
       return '';
    var pairs = (url ||'&');
    var result = {};
    for (var idx in pairs) {
    var pair = pairs[idx].split('=');
    if (!!pair[0])
        result[pair[0].toLowerCase()] = decodeURIComponent(pair[1] || '');
   return result;

You can use jQuery.param method to covert json object back to query string