In my project motools is used I haven't work with it ever. I have implemented my requirement in Jquery. Can anyone please convert it in motools if you know how to do it?
Here is code:
<input id="txtId" type="text" onkeyup="keywordWithcomma(event , this);"></input>
<div id="res" style="color:red;">Please Enter Keyword less than 15 charactres </div>
function keywordWithcomma(event , obj){
reg = /[^a-z,^A-Z^0-9,-, ]/g;
obj.value = obj.value.replace(reg,"");
var txt = $('#txtId').val().split(",");
var count = txt[txt.length-1];
obj.value = obj.value.replace(count.substring(14),"");
Working JSFiddle Thanks in advance. :)
You just use jQuery for showing/hiding the elements and getting value of them. There is no need to use a DOM library for such short snippet, vanilla JavaScript is your friend: