Convert ArcGis X,Y to lat long python

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I see a lot of stackoverflow answers asking to convert lat long to X Y, but not the other way round..

I have an excel file of the following format:

X Coordinate Y Coordinates
35792.56615 32315.91604
35782.0137  32316.97136
32247.58292 34611.3582
29794.38944 31444.90679
15504.94824 34412.15373

Can anyone guide me on how I would be able to convert these representations into lat long coords using python? I have the following additional information if needed:

Projected Coordinate System:    SVY21
Projection: Transverse_Mercator
False_Easting:  28001.64200000
False_Northing: 38744.57200000
Central_Meridian:   103.83333333
Scale_Factor:   1.00000000
Latitude_Of_Origin: 1.36666667
Linear Unit:    Meter 

Is there something in the ArcPy package that allows me to do this?

I'm not familiar with ArcGIS at all.


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