I have a vector grid created with sf::st_make_grid()
with several columns of
values. I would like to convert it to a raster stack, with each column of values becoming
a layer of the raster stack.
I provide an example below which is close to what I want to achieve. I have 2 questions problems :
- is it a good way to approach that problem? Isn't it a more straightforward way to convert what is basically a vectorial grid into pixels for a raster?
- when I plot the vector grid and the raster on top of each other, the grid cells are not aligned with the pixels of the raster (see last line using mapview.) I would expect that at least their centroid would be aligned. So, I guess I am doing something wrong.
my_cellsize <- 50000
# Load the 'nc' shapefile from the sf package
nc <- st_read(system.file("shape/nc.shp", package = "sf")) |>
st_transform(crs = 3359) # projection in meters
# Create a grid within the extent of the 'nc' dataset
my_grid <- st_make_grid(nc, cellsize = my_cellsize)
my_grid <- st_sf(GridID = 1:length(my_grid), my_grid)
my_grid <- my_grid[nc,]
# add some random values
my_grid$value1 <- rnorm(nrow(my_grid))
my_grid$value2 <- rnorm(nrow(my_grid))
my_grid$value3 <- rnorm(nrow(my_grid))
# convert the vector grid into a raster stack
template = rast(vect(my_grid), res = my_cellsize)
value1_raster <- rasterize(vect(my_grid), template, field = "value1")
value2_raster <- rasterize(vect(my_grid), template, field = "value2")
value3_raster <- rasterize(vect(my_grid), template, field = "value3")
stacked_raster <- c(value1_raster, value2_raster, value3_raster)
# interactivbe map showing that the 2 set of grid cells do not overlap correctly
mapview(stars::st_as_stars(value1_raster)) + mapview(my_grid)
Here is a screenshot of the leaflet map showing the misalignment between the vector grid and raster pixels
I also tried to start from the xy coordinates of the centroids of the cells. But if I understand well, this would work only if I had values on a square grid. Here the cells that are outside the area of interest are considered as missing values and trigger an error message (missing values not allowed)
my_grid |> st_centroid() |> st_coordinates(),
my_grid[,c("value1", "value2", "value3"), drop = TRUE]
) |>
rast(type = "xyz", extent= ext(my_grid), crs = "EPSG:3359")
I also tried with {stars}
with no more success :
template = st_as_stars(st_bbox(my_grid), dx = my_cellsize, dy= my_cellsize, values = NA_real_)
value1_raster = st_rasterize(my_grid, template)
mapview(stars::st_as_stars(value1_raster)) + mapview(my_grid)
There is no misalignment in the data. You can see that with
You see misalignment because you use "mapview"
This is because mapview first transforms the data to the coordinate reference system of its base maps. After transformation, the polygon data is no longer a regular grid. But the raster data is transformed to a new regular grid, so the two sources are now misaligned. To avoid that you could transform
to the crs that mapview uses. For example:Also, if your goal is to make a raster, then it seems overly complicated and inefficient to first make polygons and rasterize these. You could do something along these lines instead: