%{ //let env=Hashtbl.create 10 %} %token INT %token SUB %token EOL %token EQUAL %token NAME %left SUB %start main /* the entry point */ %type main %% main: statement_list EOL { $1 } statement_list: {} |statement statement_list {} statement: assign_statement{} |print_statement{} assign_statement: var EQUAL expr {//Hashtbl.add env $1 $3} print_statement: var {//Printf.printf "%d\n" (Hashtbl.find env $1)} expr: INT { $1} | expr SUB expr { $1 - $3} | var {//Hashtbl.find env $1} var:NAME {$1}
this file is convert from Parser.mly,I only change the filename and comment out the line which use the ocaml's lib.using:
fsyacc --module Parser Parser.fsy
parser.fsy(36,13): error: End of file on lexing stream
(if the cursor is at end of line 36,the error is at the end of line 36;if the cursor is at the begin of new line 37,the error is at line 37)
so what's the error mean?I can find very few doc of fsyacc.Thanks!