I'm creating an app that visualises stars using a NASA API. The colour of a star comes back as a 0 to 1 value, with 0 being pure blue, and 1 being pure red. Essentially I need to set up a way to convert 0-1 values in javascript to a sliding HEX (or rgb) scale, progressing like this:
0: blue (9aafff)
.165: blue white (cad8ff)
.33: white (f7f7ff)
.495: yellow white (fcffd4)
.66: yellow (fff3a1)
.825: orange (ffa350)
1: red (fb6252)
Is this possible? I don't have any idea how to even begin to approach this. Cheers!
The best would be to work in another color space than the RGB one. For example HSL.
For this example, I took the color space conversion functions here but there are easy to find once you know what to look for.
Note that modern browsers understand HSL colors (exemple:
background: hsl(120,100%, 50%);
) so, if you're just building HTML, you don't have to embed all this code in your page, just precompute the color stops and interpolate on the HSL values directly.