I've modeled a 3D earth with gridpoints, as below:
The points are represented in 3D space as XYZ coordinates. I then convert XYZ to Lat/Long/Height(elevation) based on the script I took from here: JSFiddle
For some reason I got really strange results when trying to find XYZ of LLH not from my set, so I tried to verify the initial script by converting XYZ to LLH and then the same LLH back to XYZ to see if I get the same coordinate.
Instead, the resulting coordinate is some XYZ on earth, unrelated to the original XYZ position.
XYZ to LLH script:
Source: JSFiddle
def xyzllh(x,y,z):
""" xyz vector to lat,lon,height
llhvec[3] with components
flat geodetic latitude in deg
flon longitude in deg
altkm altitude in km
dtr = math.pi/180.0
rrnrm = [0.0] * 3
llhvec = [0.0] * 3
esq = EARTH_Esq
rp = math.sqrt( x*x + y*y + z*z )
flatgc = math.asin( z / rp )/dtr
testval= abs(x) + abs(y)
if ( testval < 1.0e-10):
flon = 0.0
flon = math.atan2( y,x )/dtr
if (flon < 0.0 ):
flon = flon + 360.0
p = math.sqrt( x*x + y*y )
# on pole special case
if ( p < 1.0e-10 ):
flat = 90.0
if ( z < 0.0 ):
flat = -90.0
altkm = rp - rearth(flat)
llhvec[0] = flat
llhvec[1] = flon
llhvec[2] = altkm
return llhvec
# first iteration, use flatgc to get altitude
# and alt needed to convert gc to gd lat.
rnow = rearth(flatgc)
altkm = rp - rnow
flat = gc2gd(flatgc,altkm)
rrnrm = radcur(flat)
rn = rrnrm[1]
for x in range(5):
slat = math.sin(dtr*flat)
tangd = ( z + rn*esq*slat ) / p
flatn = math.atan(tangd)/dtr
dlat = flatn - flat
flat = flatn
clat = math.cos( dtr*flat )
rrnrm = radcur(flat)
rn = rrnrm[1]
altkm = (p/clat) - rn
if ( abs(dlat) < 1.0e-12 ):
llhvec[0] = flat
llhvec[1] = flon
llhvec[2] = altkm
return llhvec
# globals
EARTH_Ecc = 0
EARTH_Esq = 0
# starting function do_llhxyz()
CallCount = 0
llh = [0.0] * 3
dtr = math.pi/180
CallCount = CallCount + 1
sans = " \n"
llh = xyzllh(x,y,z)
latitude = llh[0]
longitude= llh[1]
hkm = llh[2]
height = 1000.0 * hkm
latitude = fformat(latitude,5)
longitude = fformat(longitude,5)
height = fformat(height,1)
sans = sans +"Latitude,Longitude, Height (ellipsoidal) from ECEF\n"
sans = sans + "\n"
sans = sans +"Latitude : " + str(latitude) + " deg N\n"
sans = sans +"Longitude : " + str(longitude - 180) + " deg E\n"
sans = sans +"Height : " + str(height) + " m\n"
lats = []
longs = []
heights = []
longs.append(str(longitude - 180))
And this is the LLH to XYZ script:
Source: www.mathworks.com
a = 6378137
t = 8.1819190842622e-2
# (prime vertical radius of curvature)
N = a / math.sqrt(1 - (t*t) * (math.sin(lat)*math.sin(lat)))
x = []
y = []
z = []
# results:
x.append( ((N+height) * math.cos(lat) * math.cos(long))/1000 )
y.append( ((N+height) * math.cos(lat) * math.sin(long))/1000 )
z.append( (((1-t*t) * N + height) * math.sin(lat))/1000 )
Anyone know what I'm doing wrong here? Thanks!