control-panel not list iPlanetAMPolicyService - openam 13

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I'm working on customize profile attributes as per this link. I did the ditto same as per that link but I'm not successful.

Short description of what I have done

  1. Add below content in /root/openam/config/xml/amUser.xml under user node

    <AttributeSchema name="customAttribute"
        i18nKey="Custom Attribute">
  2. Delete iPlanetAMUserService

    $ /opt/openam-tool/openam/bin/ssoadm delete-svc --adminid amadmin --password-file /tmp/pwd.txt --servicename iPlanetAMUserService
  3. Create iPlanetAMUserService

    /opt/openam-tool/openam/bin/ssoadm create-svc --adminid amadmin --password-file /tmp/pwd.txt --xmlfile /root/openam/config/xml/amUser.xml
  4. Add scchema definitions as per the link

    $ /root/openam/opends/bin/ldapmodify --port 389 --hostname --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager" --bindPassword gworks.mobi1 --filename /tmp/custom-attr.ldif
  5. Top realm -> data store -> embeddj-> Add customObjectclass & customAttribute

  6. To Allow Users To Update the New Attribute

    $ sh /root/openam/opends/bin/control-panel

In step 6 I can't find iPlanetAMPolicyService for edit sun-key value

Easy for your reference

can you please help me to proceed further?


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