I have encountered another working in notebook but not in voila issue. I have tried for a couple of hours but feel like I am still missing something and therefore seeking expert opinions here.
I have a function create_pages_and_run()
that takes in a dictionary, d, as an input to generate a dashboard (the data type is ipyvuetify.generated.App.App). The dictionary can be retrieved from a json file scenario_dict using a country name as key where I designed a dropdown to collect the country name.
The purpose is to ask user to select a country name and the page will be redrawn/refreshed. I have the following code that works in notebook but not in Voila. (Works means that when a new country name is selected, the dashboard is displayed with the widgets using data from that countries)
scenario_dropdown = widgets.Dropdown(
layout=widgets.Layout(margin="0 20px 0 0", height="39px", width="15%"),
d = scenario_dict[initial_scenario]
app = create_pages_and_run(d)
#the below code works for notebook
def on_change(change):
global d, app
if change["name"] == "value" and (change["new"] != change["old"]):
d = scenario_dict[change["new"]]
app = create_pages_and_run(d)
My failed code using ipywidgets.Output is as below. (Failed in the sense, after selecting country name in the dropdown no change is observed).
scenario_dropdown = widgets.Dropdown(
layout=widgets.Layout(margin="0 20px 0 0", height="39px", width="15%"),
d = scenario_dict[initial_scenario]
app = create_pages_and_run(d)
out = widgets.Output()
with out:
# the code works failed for voila
def on_change(change):
global d, app, out
if change["name"] == "value" and (change["new"] != change["old"]):
d = scenario_dict[change["new"]]
app = create_pages_and_run(d)
with out:
I appreciate your help, thanks.
I'm not sure why your code didn't work. Maybe it was the use of globals which can be avoided. Could you provide a working example to test. Here is a working example based on your code that works in Voila.