I have a c# win forms application which has a flowLayoutPanel
in it.
I need to update all the children in this panel every second.
here is my current code which gets called in a system timer every 1 seconds:
public void RefreshReceiversPage()
if (checkBox_enableReceivers.Checked)
var receivers = OutgoingReceiverManager.GetCopyOfActiveRecieverHolders();
for (int i = 0; i < flowLayoutPanel_receivers.Controls.Count; i++)
var tmp = flowLayoutPanel_receivers.Controls[i];
foreach (var item in receivers.ToList())
var tmpUc = new ucReceiverItem(item);
if (flowLayoutPanel_receivers != null)
receivers = null;
now this code works perfectly for about 2 minutes and then all of a sudden I start getting error creating window handle
Hence the reason for my try catch in the code above.
But after this happens the pane view goes funny and I cant recover it without starting up the program again.
I have searched high and low and I cant seem to find anything on the exception being thrown?
All that I can think is that im maybe not disposing of object properly and that its running out of memory some where?
Does any one have any suggestions or solutions?
here is UCRecieverItem:
public partial class ucReceiverItem : UserControl
public ucReceiverItem(ReceiverHolder item)
item = null;
private void ConstructItem(ReceiverHolder item)
label_name.Text = item.ReceiverDb.Name;
label_numberOfConnections.Text = item.ReceiverOutgoingConnectionManager.GetNumberOfConnections().ToString();
label_mrFilters.Text = item.ReceiverDb.MrFilters;
label_multipleConnections.Text = item.ReceiverDb.MultipleConnections.ToString();
int count = item.GetActiveBufferCount();
int size = item.GetActiveBufferSize();
label_bufferCount.Text = count + @" / " + size;
progressBar_buffer.Maximum = size;
progressBar_buffer.Minimum = 0;
progressBar_buffer.Value = count;
This code is a problem:
It is only disposing half of the controls in the container. The other half get removed by the
call, but those controls do not get disposed — so they still exist and are using up memory.Doing this every second compounds the problem: that's potentially a lot of controls.
The immediate work-around would be to properly dispose of the controls:
After that, I would question the need to do this every second — seems like a harsh environment for a user to work in.