Contact Page not working (php)

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So I have made a contact page in modx with this code

<!-- Start Contact Form -->

<div id="contact-form" class="contatct-form">
    <div class="loader"></div>
    <form action="mail.php" class="contactForm" name="cform" method="post">
    <div class="row">

I have also uploaded the mail.php file into assets but it still doesn't seem to work. So far I tried path/to/assets/mail.php which didn't work either.

Any help would be appreciated


There are 2 answers

Vasis On
Saravanan Arunagiri On

Try to Change your form action as following path look like ..assets/example.php

 <div id="contact-form" class="contatct-form">
                        <div class="loader"></div>
                        <form action="..yourpath/mail.php" class="contactForm" name="cform" method="post">
                            <div class="row">