Consul KV read from Spring Integration transformers

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We are trying to access consul KV store with the below set up in bootstrap and reading it with @Value("${configvalue}") in the code.

        name: appname
      host: consulhost
      port: 8500
      config :
       enabled: true

private String configvalue; 

private String home() { return configvalue; } 

public Message<String> trans4mformat(Message<JsonNode> msg) 
System.out.println("********Got the consul parameters-->"+configvalue);
 //do transform and return Message<String> 

<int:gateway  id="inboundListener" service-interface="KafkaGateway" default-request-channel="inboundChannel" error-channel="errorChannel"/>

<int:transformer id="transform" input-channel="inboundChannel" output-channel="outboundChannel"  method="trans4mformat" requires-reply="false" > 
<bean id="trns4m" class="com.package.Tranformation"/>
<int:poller fixed-rate="5"/>

This works well when used inside a Rest Controller; But we have a kafka listener and an integration flow starting from it and we need to access this @Value("${configvalue}") inside transformer ? This always gives null; though we can see the value with the get HTTP call in a separate method.


There are 1 answers

Sajeevan mp On
AbstractApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("/IntegrationContext.xml",Application.class);
KafkaGateway kgw = (KafkaGateway) context.getBean("inboundListener");

This is what I was doing; now I changed this to

    private KafkaGateway kgw;

Now I dont see that Issue any more. Thanks