How can you use node position and edge information to label a graph in NetworkX?
I like the structured nature of the hypercube_graph() instead of the randomness of the spring_layout(). I'm aware that NetworkX only plots in 2D, but the hypercube_graph() projects an N dimensional object in 2D and I would like to use this layout with my own labels.
For a 3 dimensional figure, the nx.Graph() is uniform (not random) but not for a 4 dimensional figure. I am using 3D as a simple version of higher dimensional cubes.
Currently, I have a dictionary of nodes to edges:
D_node_edge = {'pr': ['pqr'],
'pq': ['pqr'],
'p': ['pq', 'pr'],
'qr': ['pqr'],
'q': ['pq', 'qr'],
'0': ['p', 'q', 'r'],
'pqr': [],
'r': ['pr', 'qr']}
and a dictionary of nodes to positions within a graph:
D_node_pos = {'pr': (1, 0, 1),
'qr': (0, 1, 1),
'p': (1, 0, 0),
'pq': (1, 1, 0),
'q': (0, 1, 0),
'0': (0, 0, 0),
'pqr': (1, 1, 1),
'r': (0, 0, 1)}
I want to use a DiGraph():
axis_labels = ['p','q','r']
dimension = len(axis_labels) #3 in this case
H = nx.DiGraph()
with the layout of a hypercube_graph
HC = nx.hypercube_graph(dimension) #dimension = 3
>>>nx.spring_layout(HC, dim = dimension)
{(1, 1, 0): array([ 0.69543835, 0.37689489, 0.48037435]),
(0, 1, 1): array([ 0.27055875, 0. , 0.36329725]),
(1, 0, 0): array([ 0.41149329, 0.76917215, 0.60675544]),
(0, 0, 1): array([ 0. , 0.43156976, 0.51814906]),
(1, 0, 1): array([ 0.33865646, 0.53760327, 0.16742205]),
(0, 0, 0): array([ 0.04858308, 0.73062358, 1. ]),
(0, 1, 0): array([ 0.34010671, 0.27698965, 0.81225166]),
(1, 1, 1): array([ 0.65369567, 0.13626658, 0. ])}
Is there any way to assign the layout positions of the hypercube_graph() to my nodes using the dictionaries I've created?
It doesn't work when I try to draw it:
nx.draw(H, pos = D_node_pos, with_labels = True, node_shape = 'o', arrows = True)
I understand that the "pos" dictionary needs to be keys= node and values= positions (e.g. 'p': array([ 0.41149329, 0.76917215, 0.60675544])) but it still didn't work :(
File "/Users/Mu/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/matplotlib/", line 148, in __init__
assert vertices.shape[1] == 2