After dumping a table and importing it to another postgres db constraints are missing.
I'm using this to dump:
pg_dump --host=local --username=user -W --encoding=UTF-8 -j 10 --file=dump_test --format=d -s --dbname=mydb -t addendum
This to import:
pg_restore -d myOtherdb --host=local -n public --username=user -W --exit-on-error --format=d -j 10 -t addendum dump_test/
What I can see in the resulting toc.dat is something like this:
ADD CONSTRAINT pk_addendum PRIMARY KEY (addendum_id);
> ALTER TABLE ONLY public.addendum DROP CONSTRAINT pk_addendum;
That looks like its creating and destroying the PK, but I'm not sure if my interpretation is correct as the file is binary.
edit: I'm using PostgreSQL 9.3
From the documentation:
You thus have some admittedly unattractive choices:
to text, obtain the constraint DDL from there, see step 1.pg_dump
, and restore it fully.