ConnectionManager error using typeorm implementing typedi

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I was trying to use typeorm with typedi, and there were some problem. I want to use typeorm for ORM, typegraphql for GraphQL, and DI for typedi. And now I'm trying to implementing typedi with typeorm, but there are some problem I get:

Error I got

  "message": "Cannot get Connection with name \"default\" from the ConnectionManager. Make sure you have created the connection and called \"useContainer(Container)\" in your application before establishing a connection and importing any entity into TypeORM.",
  "exception": {
    "connectionName": "default",
    "name": "ManagerNotFoundError",
    "stacktrace": [
      "ManagerNotFoundError: Cannot get Connection with name \"default\" from the ConnectionManager. Make sure you have created the connection and called \"useContainer(Container)\" in your application before establishing a connection and importing any entity into TypeORM."

However, I'd already placed useContainer(Container) above the connection settings.

src/index.ts (Entry File)

import './utils/env'
import 'reflect-metadata'
import { Server } from './server'
import { Database } from './database'
import logger from './utils/logger'
import { Container } from 'typeorm-typedi-extensions'
import { useContainer } from 'typeorm'

const server = new Server()
const database = new Database()


void database
  .then(() => {'Database connected')
    void server.listen().then((server) => {
      const { port } = server.address() as { port: number }`Server started on port ${port}`)
  .catch((reason) => {
    throw new Error(`Databse Error: ${reason as string}`)

And these is my userRepository file


export class UserRepository extends Repository<User> {
  // (...)

And this is my UserService file


export default class UserService {
    private readonly userRepository: UserRepository

    // (...methods)

Lastly, this is my UserResolver file


@Resolver(() => User)
export class UserResolver {
  private readonly userService: UserService


There are 1 answers

Keum Jung Bin On

SOLVED :: node_modules/typeorm-typedi-extensions/cjs/container-registrations.const.js

Line 10


typedi_1.Container.set({ id: typeorm_1.ConnectionManager, type: typeorm_1.ConnectionManager });


typedi_1.Container.set({ id: typeorm_1.ConnectionManager, type: typeorm_1.ConnectionManager, global: true });