I am implementing an interface for taking commands for creating , connecting and coloring vertices in JUNG
when I want to connect two already existing vertices JUNG
connects to vertices and creates an extra vertex , why?
Here is my code for connect method:
public class Connect extends Command {
private CommandMaster cm;
private BehGraphUndirected behGraph;
private static int edgenumber=0;
public Object run(BehGraphUndirected behGraph, VisualizationImageServer panel, InterpretMaster interpretMaster, String... args) {
System.out.print("connect Runs\n");
this.cm = new CommandMaster();
this.behGraph = behGraph;
//got to another command
switch (args[0]) {
case "edge":
this.createEdge(args[1] , args[2]);
return null;
public void createEdge(String nodeName1 , String nodeName2)
this.behGraph.addEdge(edgenumber++,nodeName1, nodeName2);
System.out.println("edge between: "+nodeName1+" and "+ nodeName2+" added");
And it's the create method just in case you want to know the way I implemented the code:
package interpreter.command;
import GraphHandling.BehGraphUndirected;
import edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization.VisualizationImageServer;
import interpreter.Command;
import interpreter.CommandMaster;
import interpreter.InterpretMaster;
* @author Administrator
public class Create extends Command{
private CommandMaster cm;
private BehGraphUndirected behGraph;
public Object run(BehGraphUndirected behGraph, VisualizationImageServer panel, InterpretMaster interpretMaster, String... args) {
System.out.print("create Runs \n");
this.cm = new CommandMaster();
this.behGraph = behGraph;
//got to another command
switch (args[0]) {
case "node":
case "label":
return null;
public void createNode(String nodeName)
System.out.print("vertex: "+nodeName+" added");
private void createLabel(String string) {
class str
int i;
long j;
Graph images before and after connecting two nodes:
and Here is my BehGraphUndirected
package GraphHandling;
import edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.UndirectedSparseGraph;
import java.util.LinkedList;
* @author Administrator
public class BehGraphUndirected extends UndirectedSparseGraph{
private final LinkedList<Node> nodeList;
public BehGraphUndirected()
this.nodeList = new LinkedList<>();
public void addNode(Node newNode)
You should look at what BehGraphUndirected is doing; it's not a JUNG class or interface.
What is the name of the vertex that's being created, and how does that relate to what's being passed to the create method?