I am trying to connect to a hosted rethinkDB server on compose.io using thinky.io
According to the docs I can connect with the following using r.connect:
const r = require('rethinkdb');
const fs = require('fs');
fs.readFile('../cacert', function(err, caCert) {
authKey: 'MY_KEY',
host: 'aws-us-east-1-portal.5.dblayer.com',
port: 11190,
ssl: {
ca: caCert
}, function(error, conn) {
r.dbList().run(conn, function(err, results) {
However when using thinky.io it will not take an SSL certificate, and I would connect using the following which does not work:
const thinky = require('thinky')({
authKey: 'MY_KEY',
host: 'aws-us-east-1-portal.5.dblayer.com',
port: 11190,
Is there any way I can connect to compose using thinky.io or connect using r.connect()
and then use that existing connection with thinky.io?
My node.js server is hosted on heroku.
Using synchronous readFile
Solution using synchronous readFile:
One way of using thinky.io with compose.io when setting up a rethinkdb database is to use the synchronous readFile method when reading the ca Certificate before setting the thinky.io connection.