Connecting FTDI device to Android as VCP

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I'm trying to connect an FTDI FT2232H to an Android application using the Java class library that FTDI provides, which does not require root access.

Is there a way to use VCP through this package, rather than the old-style native driver route? Or, if not, is there a way to emulate a VCP interface through it (or is it possible at all to roll my own solution?) I'm finding the official docs a bit lacking, as they encourage using the Java lib over the native one, but don't explain whether or not it provides full feature parity.


There are 1 answers

Andrii Omelchenko On

Yes, you can use VCP through D2XX driver. Take a look at Java D2xx for Android API User Manual (also at C/C++ Software Application Development D2XX Programmer's Guide and FTD2XX Programmer’s Guide Version 2.01 documents), Official Android D2XX Example Source code especially at class from it:

public void SendMessage(View view) {
    // Do something in response to button
    FT_Device ftDev;
    if( uart_configured_0 == false ) {
          Toast.makeText(DeviceFT2232HTestContext, "UART Port 0 not configured yet...", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
      ftDev = ft_device_0;

      if(ftDev.isOpen() == false) {
          Log.e(">>@@","SendMessage: ftDev not open!!!!!!  index: 0");
      } else {
          Log.e(">>@@","SendMessage: ftDev open, index: 0");

/*            Log.e(">>@@","port 0 isn:" + ftDev.deviceInfoNode.iSerialNumber
                  + " bcd:" + ftDev.deviceInfoNode.bcdDevice
                  + " id:" +
                  + " loc:" + ftDev.deviceInfoNode.location
                  + " sn:" + ftDev.deviceInfoNode.serialNumber);

  ftDev.setLatencyTimer((byte) 16);

  // ftDev.Purge(true, true);

  String writeData = writeText_0.getText().toString();
  byte[] OutData = writeData.getBytes();
  int iLen = ftDev.write(OutData, writeData.length());
  Log.e(">>@@", "Port 0 write Len:" + iLen + " s:" + writeData);
          "Port 0 write Len:" + iLen + " s:" + writeData,

and examples like that (by Keisuke SUZUKI).