Connecting a nodemap to a port

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I'm struggling to use the Genicam java reference design. I cannot figure out how to connect the IPort to the NodeMap.

Port devPort = dev.getRemotePort();
// I retrieve the XML from the camera, trimmed
NodeMap map = new NodeMap();
// Need to connect map to port. How?
IPort devIPort = new IPort();
map.connect(devIPort, devport.getName());

I cannot get a read from the device with the native methods or with direct register access through the IPort

// This returns the expected value, readBuf);
// This does not, byteBuf);

Attempting to read memory directly with the IPort fails with

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: Attempted to invoke pure virtual method GENAPI_NAMESPACE::MyPort::ReadSwig.
    at org.genicam.genapi.genapiJNI.IPort_read(Native Method)
    at imagegrab.imagegrab.main(

I receive exceptions like this using the readInteger method.

Exception in thread "main" org.genicam.genapi.AccessException: Node is not readable : AccessException thrown in node 'SensorWidth' while calling 'SensorWidth.ToString()' (file 'ValueT.h', line 63)
at org.genicam.genapi.genapiJNI.IValue_toString__SWIG_2(Native Method)
at org.genicam.genapi.IValue.toString(
at java.base/java.lang.String.valueOf(
at imagegrab.imagegrab.main(

The python reference design is intuitive and transfers the GenTL Port to a GenAPI IPort through the AbstractPort abstract base class and ConcretePort.

concrete_port = ConcretePort(device.remote_port)

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