I'm trying to make a kind of "cloth simulation" by using ROBLOX's new rope constraints and a grid of parts.
Currently, I've made a 10x10 grid of .4x.4x.4 blocks and now I want to connect each one up with rope constraints.
I've named each part in the grid after their row and column (eg: first part in the grid being 1 1, last one being 10 10)
and then I get the parts around each individual grid part using their name and string manipulation.
I then insert 4 attachments into each part and 4 rope constraints. Here's the code (ab stands for above, be stands for below, etc) :
for i2 = 1, #gParts do
local ab = tostring(tonumber(gParts[i2].Name:match("^(%S+)"))-5).." "..tostring(tonumber(string.sub(gParts[i2].Name,-1))-1)
local be = tostring(tonumber(gParts[i2].Name:match("^(%S+)"))+5).." "..tostring(tonumber(string.sub(gParts[i2].Name,-1))+1)
local le = tostring(tonumber(gParts[i2].Name:match("^(%S+)"))-1).." "..tostring(tonumber(string.sub(gParts[i2].Name,-1)))
local ri = tostring(tonumber(gParts[i2].Name:match("^(%S+)"))+1).." "..tostring(tonumber(string.sub(gParts[i2].Name,-1)))
for i3 = 1, 4 do
local atchm = Instance.new("Attachment",gParts[i2])
local ropeconst = Instance.new("RopeConstraint",gParts[i2])
Rope constraint has 2 main properties I need to use; attachment 1 and attachment 2.
I've never really messed with the new constraints, but I believe this should work.
Do keep in mind that the constraints are a new Instance in Roblox, and that they are likely still experimental.
If this does not work for you, please let me know. I can contact you from the site itself if needed.