I want URL encoding to be done. My input string is "ChBdgzQ3qUpNRBEHB+bOXQNjRTQ="
I get an output as "ChBdgzQ3qUpNRBEHB%2BbOXQNjRTQ%3D" which is totally correct except the case which gets encoded.
Ideally, it should have been "ChBdgzQ3qUpNRBEHB%2bbOXQNjRTQ%3d" instead of the output I get. i.e I should have got %2b and %3d instead of %2B and %3D.
Could this be done?
The code I used is as below :
NSString* inputStr = @"ChBdgzQ3qUpNRBEHB+bOXQNjRTQ=";
NSString* outputStr = (NSString *)CFURLCreateStringByAddingPercentEscapes(NULL,
(CFStringRef)@"!*'\"();:@&=+$,/?%#[]% ",
You can use a regular expression to perform the post operation:
The code uses this regular expression:
It matches two hexadecimal characters, only if preceded by a percent sign. Each match is then iterated and replaced within a mutable string. We don't have to worry about offset changes because the replacement string is always the same length.