How do we know which version of the tomcat-jdbc driver we need to use for a specific version of Tomcat?
Is there any reasonable documentation?
Longer Version
Over the years I have looked for a reasonable explanation on which tomcat-jdbc driver to use with a specific version of Tomcat. But I just haven't been able to find anything that says "For this version of tomcat, use this version of tomcat-jdbc driver."
My gut feeling is that the tomcat-jdbc version should be the same version as the tomcat server we're running. Is that a true statement?
Meaning, if we're running tomcat 9.0.65 we should be using the tomcat-jdbc 9.0.65?
Are there any links out there that specifically explain what to do?
Any friendly direction would be greatly appreciated.
Come to find out after some friendly direction by @andrewJames, the tomcat-jdbc library is provided by the Tomcat instance itself.
We most likely had the tomcat-jdbc in our pom.xml because it stopped red-lines in our Spring xml configuration files with missing Class names and attributes.
The person that originally added the tomcat-jdbc library to our pom should have scoped the library as 'provided'.
Then after a bit more research into Connection Pools we decided to switch to HikariCP due to its small package size and speed improvements over tomcat-jdbc.