In my application I need to use a Scrypt library but there's an issue: scrypt-1.4.0.jar
which is taken from Maven Central refuses to work on x86 architectures.
A hint to solution has been found in this thread:!topic/bitcoinj/B0kOqUVIW24, specifically:
Yes, the scrypt jar on Maven Central contains native code (lib/*.so). They really should put this into a separate artifact )-:
Anyway, I'm using
in my android-maven-plugin configuration. You need to find something similar for Gradle.
I use Adroid Studio and have no idea how to achieve the same result in Gradle. The only "solution" I've found is excluding Scrypt library entierly:
dependencies {
compile('org.bitcoinj:bitcoinj-core:0.12.2') {
exclude module: 'scrypt'
But of course that only works until I need to use Scrypt in my app. Here's a comment for the code above from the same thread:
Andreas' code only excludes the JAR resources i.e. dynamic library, which means the scrypt library will fall back to a pure Java implementation (much slower).
How can I achieve the same in Gradle? Or alternatively, there was a suggestion to compile the Scrypt native library with the NDK but I have no idea how to do that.
Solution :
I advice you to recompile the library, i compile my library under linux it's easy, here is how (note it takes a long time to get them compiled)
Setting up the Environment :
Command line to start SDK Manager :
sdk/tool/androis (sdk manager)
Adding Android to Environment Variables (Must be done before compiling library) :
export ANDROID_HOME=/media/.../android-sdk-linux
export PATH=${PATH}:$ANDROID_HOME/tools:$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools
export PATH=~/bin:/media/.../android-sdk-linux/tools/:/media/.../android-ndk-r10d/:$PATH
Compiling Library :
from the project root : run
Android Studio :
Info : add android studio bin to bin path
Run : from bin dir run studio
Cleanning Library to recompile them :
Delete following folders "\obj" "\ovpnlibs" "\libs"
Recompile library