I have to make a Prestashop website for a client so I have to import all their products with a script every day. Everything is working fine (categories, products, photos, features) except for the attributes, which I need to enable the ps_facetedsearch
module. I can insert the attributes values in my database but I cannot find how to assign them to the products (that's problem #1). And then I need in my script to configure the aforesaid module so that these attributes can show up as filters in the search block. Precisely, I have to tell which categories are used in my filter model, and I cannot do it manually every day.
Here is the code I use to insert the data as attributes ($data
is the object with all the data to import):
$attributesGroupArray=array('1' => 'Attribute1','2' => 'Attribute2','3' => 'Attribute3','4' => 'Attribute4');
foreach($attributesGroupArray as $id_attribute_group => $name){
$attribute=new Attribute();
$attribute->name=array((int)Configuration::get('PS_LANG_DEFAULT') => $data->$name);
$attribute->url_name=array((int)Configuration::get('PS_LANG_DEFAULT') => url_rewrite($data->$name));
Can you point me in the right direction about these two problems?
Edit: I accepted the answer below for the first part of my problem. As for the second part, I finally managed to find the right code so I'll put it here in case it can help someone someday.
$cats=Db::getInstance()->executeS('SELECT id_category FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category` WHERE `id_category`>\'1\'');
foreach($cats as $cle => $resultat){
$atts=DB::getInstance()->executeS('SELECT id_attribute_group FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'attribute_group` ORDER BY position ASC');
foreach($atts as $cleatt => $resultatatt){
DB::getInstance()->execute('INSERT INTO `'._DB_PREFIX_.'layered_category` SET `id_shop`=\'1\', `id_category`=\''.$resultat['id_category'].'\', `id_value`=\''.$resultatatt['id_attribute_group'].'\', `type`=\'id_attribute_group\', `position`=\''.$comptattribut.'\', `filter_type`=\'0\', `filter_show_limit`=\'0\'');
DB::getInstance()->execute('INSERT INTO `'._DB_PREFIX_.'layered_category` SET `id_shop`=\'1\', `id_category`=\''.$resultat['id_category'].'\', `id_value`=NULL, `type`=\'price\', `position`=\''.($comptattribut+1).'\', `filter_type`=\'1\', `filter_show_limit`=\'0\'');
For the first part of the problem you should use something like this:
Good luck.