Condition Filter not showing data google Analytics

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I added the analytic in my webpage.When i started to generate the reports i am unable to get that in following condition

  1. I create the dimension1 with name SessionD and send there data.
  2. In Behavior report i add the condition where SessionD='nitin' (I already send 2 time this value)
  3. After test i receive that its show some % session available
  4. Problem come here when i click on preview its not showing single report don't know why.

Please find the attached screen shot for same.Image

Here i want that there should show the session for this also as there are x number or session present as per the test connection(i also send there data) but which is not coming.Am i doing any thing wrong?

Code added to webpage:

ga('send', 'pageview', { 'page': '/'+eLabel, 'title': eLabel, 'SessionD': gaUser, 'dimension1': gaUser, 'SessionDD': '1', 'metric1':'1' });

Thanks, Nitin Gaikwad


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