Concourse CI: project structure

1.4k views Asked by At


I have been working on implementing a concourse ci pipeline for over a month now and my single yml file has grown quiet a bit. I understand that it is best practice to breakup the pipeline into several files and reference them in your pipeline.


Can someone please provide what the best practice is to structuring your concourse ci pipeline?

My thought process:

offering-pipeline | |_ ci: | | | |_ images: | | |_ Dockerfile | | | |_ misc: | | |_ python-requirements.txt | | | |_ ci-pipeline.yml | |_ project: |_ project-pipeline.yml | |_ jobs | |_ scripts : | |_ build: | |_ build_xyz. | |_ deploy: | |_ deploy_xyz. | |_ test: | |_ test_xyz. | |_ publish: |_ publish_xyz.




There are 1 answers

David Karlsson On BEST ANSWER

A First step would be to extract all tasks to files. I have a tasks folder, a templates folder, and a script folder for each pipeline. Above these (in the root) I have a pipeline.yml containing the pipeline root structure, and a Makefile and Makefile.constants for setting up the pipeline in concourse..

Since I dont have that many build,test,publish tasks I have a naming convention on them instead of loads of folders with 1-4 files in each.

The tree inside my pipeline folder in atom:

enter image description here

Note: the pipeline.yml file is still pretty long (~500 lines)

The Makefile, the ${} comes from the included contant-files:

#Setup Makefile constants for urls etc:
include ../Makefile.constants

#Setup Makefile constants for  repo:
include ./Makefile.constants

    fly -t dev_refactor set-pipeline \
        --config pipeline.yml \
        --pipeline ${PIPELINE} \
        --var "client-repo=${CLIENT_REPO_URI}" \
        --var "client-branch=${CLIENT_BRANCH}" \
        --var "server-repo=${SERVER_REPO_URI}" \
        --var "server-branch=${SERVER_BRANCH}" \
        --var "private-key=$$(cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa_no_passphrase)" \
        --var "docker-registry=${DOCKER_REGISTRY}" \
        --var "docker-registry-cert=$$(cat ../keys/docker-registry/docker-registry.crt)" \
        --var "docker-registry-server-dist=${DOCKER_REGISTRY}/server" \
        --var "docker-registry-client-dist=${DOCKER_REGISTRY}/client" \
        --var "docker-registry-node=${DOCKER_REGISTRY}/node" \
        --var "docker-registry-maven=${DOCKER_REGISTRY}/maven" \
        --var "docker-registry-protractor=${DOCKER_REGISTRY}/protractor" \
        --var "docker-registry-npm-cache=${DOCKER_REGISTRY}/npm-cache" \
        --var "docker-registry-soap=${DOCKER_REGISTRY}/soap-ui" \
        --var "reports-server=${REPORTS_SERVER}" \
        --var "concourse-url=${CONCOURSE_URL}" \
        --var "nexus-url=${NEXUS_URL}"

.PHONY: set-pipe

# Destroy the pipeline in concourse
    fly -t dev_refactor destroy-pipeline \
        --pipeline ${PIPELINE}
.PHONY: destroy-pipe