I have a csv that is like the below (Note: values in Name
column are not limited i.e. not only ABC
and DEF
Name, Type, Text
ABC, Type A, how
ABC, Type A, are
ABC, Type A, you
ABC, Type B, Your
ABC, Type B, Name?
DEF, Type A, I
DEF, Type A, am
DEF, Type A, good
DEF, Type B, I'm
DEF, Type B, Terminator
... and more
I want to create another csv file like below (i.e. Group Text
column based on Type
column for every Name
Name, Type, Text
ABC, Type A, how are you
ABC, Type B, Your Name?
DEF, Type A, I am good
DEF, Type B, I'm Terminator
..till the end
I am trying to write a python script. My attempt as below:
TypeList = ['Type A','Type B']
with open("../doc1.csv", encoding='utf-8', newline='', mode="r") as myfile:
g = csv.reader(myfile)
with open("../doc2.csv", encoding='utf-8', newline='', mode="w") as myfile:
h = csv.writer(myfile)
for row in g:
if TypeList[0] in row[1]:
Concatenatedtext[0]= Concatenatedtext[0] + ' ' + row[1]
Can someone please help me out with this mess?
Grouping csv rows together is a task for the itertools.groupby function.
accepts a key function that defines matching rows, and emits the key (here, the name and type) and the group (the rows that match) for each match found.The operator.itemgetter function can be used to create the key function.