Compute an aggregated tsrange from a set of entries?

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I am trying to compute a aggregated tsrange from a set of row that I extract from an SQL query. Problem is that I keep getting errors that the input parameter is not being passed in.

CREATE OR REPLACE AGGREGATE range_merge(anyrange)
    sfunc = range_merge,
    stype = anyrange

DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS aggregate_validity(entity_name regclass, entry bigint);

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION aggregate_validity(entity_name regclass, entry bigint) returns tsrange AS
    result tsrange;
   EXECUTE format('select range_merge(valid) from %s where entity_id = %U', entity_name, entry) into result;
   return result;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

When I do:

select * from aggregate_validity(country, 1);

I get an error stating that the entity name and entry do not exist. It does not seem to parameterize the input into the statement properly.


There are 2 answers

Lukasz Szozda On BEST ANSWER


EXECUTE format('select range_merge(valid) from %s where entity_id=%U',entity_name, entry) 
into result;
EXECUTE format('select range_merge(valid) from %I where entity_id=%s',entity_name, entry) 
into result;
--%I for identifier, %s for value


select * from aggregate_validity(country, 1)
select * from aggregate_validity('country', 1);

db<>fiddle demo

Erwin Brandstetter On
CREATE OR REPLACE AGGREGATE range_merge(anyrange) (
   SFUNC = range_merge
 , STYPE = anyrange

-- DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS aggregate_validity(entity_name regclass, entry bigint);
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION aggregate_validity(entity_name regclass, entry bigint, OUT result tsrange)
  LANGUAGE plpgsql AS
   EXECUTE 'SELECT range_merge(valid) FROM ' || entity_name || ' WHERE entity_id = $1'
   INTO result
   USING entry;


SELECT aggregate_validity('country', 1);

db<>fiddle here

The call does not need SELECT * FROM, as the function returns a single value per definition.

I used an OUT parameter to simplify (OUT result tsrange). See:

Don't concatenate the entry value into the SQL string. Pass it as value with the USING clause. Cleaner, faster.

Since entity_name is passed as regclass, it's safe to simply concatenate (which is a bit cheaper). See:

Plus, missing quotes and incorrect format specifiers, as Lukasz already provided.

Your custom aggregate function range_merge() has some caveats:

  1. I wouldn't name it "range_merge", that being the name of the plain function range_merge(), too. While that's legal, it still invites confusing errors.

  2. You are aware that the function range_merge() includes gaps between input ranges in the output range?

  3. range_merge() returns NULL for any NULL input. So if your table has any NULL values in the column valid, the result is always NULL. I strongly suggest that any involved columns shall be defined as NOT NULL.

If you are at liberty to install additional modules, consider range_agg by Paul Jungwirth who is also here on Stackovflow. It provides the superior function range_agg() addressing some of the mentioned issues.

If you don't want to include gaps, consider the Postgres Wiki page on range aggregation.

I would probably not use aggregate_validity() at all. It obscures the nested functionality from the Postgres query planner and may lead so suboptimal query plans. Typically, you can replace it with a correlated or a LATERAL subquery, which can be planned and optimized by Postgres in context of the outer query. I appended a demo to the fiddle:

db<>fiddle here
