I need to compress file for send in HttpWebRequest for a server. I try to use external classes of C# but doesn't work in Universal Apps. I try this with a original classes that can I use in Universal apps and this is my code:
//SycroZipFile and UploadFile are StorageFile type.
using (Stream writeStream = await SyncroZipFile.OpenStreamForWriteAsync())
using (Stream readStream = await UploadFile.OpenStreamForReadAsync())
await readStream.CopyToAsync(writeStream);
But the ZipFile is corrupt and doesn't work, any one can help me for compress file in Windows Phone Universal Apps? Thanks a lot, sorry for my english and Thanks in advance!
Finally I could solve my problem! If you are programmer of Windows Phone Universal Apps have a problems with a external classes to zip a files, you can use my code with original classes from Visual that can use in Universal Apps:
This code work perfectly for my, and finally my ZipArchive it's not corrupt and I can open it! Good Luck!