I've been trying to get a static build of Qt 5.7 together so I can start compiling an application statically on Windows, but it's been a bit of a slog. I've got most of the process working - except it is complaining about not being able to include a file now that I can't see any reason for it to complain about.
I have to use MSVC (2015 is what is installed) and nmake because we're including webkit (which is possible with MinGW - and so we can't cross-compile from Linux either).
I've worked through and adapted the following sites (amongst others):
- http://amin-ahmadi.com/2016/09/22/how-to-build-qt-5-7-statically-using-msvc14-microsoft-visual-studio-2015/
- https://wiki.qt.io/Building_Qt_Desktop_for_Windows_with_MSVC
- How do you compile OpenSSL for x64?
My configure command:
configure -debug-and-release -commercial -static -ltcg -accessibility \
-platform win32-msvc2015 -qt-sql-sqlite -qt-sql-sqlite2 \
-plugin-manifests -no-audio-backend -openssl -no-dbus \
-incredibuild-xge -sse2 -qt-style-windows -qt-style-fusion \
-no-native-gestures -qmake \
-I C:\devel\source\openssl\inc64
And right now it's complaining that it can't load "openssl\ssl.h" - except that this is available in C:\devel\source\openssl\inc64\openssl\ssl.h