Unable to compile Jose4j .93 with JDK 8
I tried compiling Jose4j .93. version with JDK 8
It works with JDK 17.
My requirement is to compile and run it on JDK 8.
Are there are guidelines to compile with JDK 8.
How to bypass these errors :
cannot find symbol symbol: class EdECPrivateKey location: package java.security.interfaces [ERROR] /scratch/jose0.9.3/b_c-jose4j-b5720a2fde3f/src/main/java/org/jose4j/jws/EdDsaAlgorithm.java:[10,32] cannot find symbol symbol: class EdECPublicKey
It's compiled on 17 but targeted for 1.7 so will run on 8 fine. You shouldn't need to compile it yourself.