// Created by lenovo on 8/27/2017.
#define UART_BaudRate 1200 //9600UL
#define CLK 16
#define UART_Parity NONE
#define UART_TX EN_TX
#define UART_RX EN_RX
#define UART_DATABITS EightBits
#endif //UART_UART_CFG_H
This is the error "called object is not a function or pointer"
and this my private file that have all word's addresses inside the config file. The first file:
// Created by lenovo on 8/27/2017.
/* Main PINS */
#define UCSRA *((volatile u8 *)0x2B)
#define UCSRB *((volatile u8 *)0x2A)
#define UCSRC *((volatile u8 *)0x40)
#define UBRRL *((volatile u8 *)0x29)
#define UBRRH *((volatile u8 *)0x40)
#define UDR *((volatile u8 *)0x2C)
/* END Main PINS */
#define NONE 0x00
#define twoBit 0x08
#define oneBit 0x00
/* Bits */
#define fiveBits 0x00
#define SixBits 0x02
#define SevenBits 0x04
#define EightBits 0x06
/* End Bits */
#define DIS 0 // Disable
#define EN 1 // Enable
#define UART_9600 9600UL
Private file that have some addresses for my Microcontroller ATmega16. Moreover, my config file is reference to private file; which have keys that defined in private. For example, in UART_Partit I wrote NONE and NONE address defined in private but it shows error
You need to include your file with declarations.
and there are no EN_TX or EN_RX defines for these constants in your second file.