Compiler error on OpenSUSE 13.2 for GCC (OpenSIPS 1.8)

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Fresh headless install of OpenSUSE 13.2. Installed the development tools using:

zypper install -t pattern devel_C_C++

Used SVN to checkout the latest 1.8 version of OpenSIPS. I'm trying to get it installed but it's unable to make the menuconfig.

which: no xsltproc in     (/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/sbin:/root/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/games)
which: no lynx in (/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/sbin:/root/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/games)
cd menuconfig; make ; cd ..
make[1]: Entering directory '/usr/src/opensips_1_8/menuconfig'
gcc -o configure -g -Wall -DMENUCONFIG_CFG_PATH=\"menuconfig/configs/\" -    DMENUCONFIG_GEN_PATH=\"etc/\" -DMENUCONFIG_HAVE_SOURCES=1 cfg.o curses.o items.o commands.o     menus.o parser.o main.o -lcurses
/usr/lib64/gcc/x86_64-suse-linux/4.8/../../../../x86_64-suse-linux/bin/ld: cannot find -lcurses
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
Makefile:11: recipe for target 'all' failed
make[1]: *** [all] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory '/usr/src/opensips_1_8/menuconfig'
./menuconfig/configure --local
make: ./menuconfig/configure: Command not found
Makefile:883: recipe for target 'menuconfig' failed
make: *** [menuconfig] Error 127

It seems as if it's not the right version of GCC to compile it? I tried with 4.9, but that was worse.

Any help is appreciated.

Update, curses is installed:

linux-9g76:/usr/src/opensips_1_8 # zypper se curses Loading repository data... Reading installed packages...

S | Name                     | Summary                                                   | Type   
i | libncurses5              | The New curses Libraries                                      | package
i | libncurses5-32bit        | The New curses Libraries                                      | package
i | libncurses6              | The New curses Libraries                                      | package
i | libncurses6-32bit        | The New curses Libraries                                      | package
  | libyui-ncurses-devel     | Libyui-ncurses header files                               |     package
  | libyui-ncurses-doc       | Libyui-ncurses documentation                              |     package
  | libyui-ncurses-pkg-devel | Libyui-ncurses-pkg header files                           |     package
  | libyui-ncurses-pkg-doc   | Libyui-ncurses-pkg documentation                          | package
i | libyui-ncurses-pkg6      | Libyui - yast2 package selector widget for the ncurses UI | package
i | libyui-ncurses6          | Libyui - Character Based User Interface                   | package
i | ncurses-devel            | Include Files and Libraries mandatory for Development     | package
i | ncurses-devel-32bit      | Include Files and Libraries mandatory for Development     | package
i | ncurses-utils            | Tools using the new curses libraries                      | package
  | perl-Curses              | Terminal screen handling and optimization                 | package
  | perl-CursesWidgets       | CursesWidgets Perl module                                 | package
  | python-curses            | Python Interface to the (N)Curses Library                 | package
  | python3-curses           | Python Interface to the (N)Curses Library                 | package

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