Comparing two dates in blade.php file

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I have to compare two dates in a list.blade.php like

if today's date is greater than or equal to expiry date then do something else do something.

here is the code:

use Carbon\Carbon;
$today_date = Carbon::today();

@foreach ($entries as $k => $entry)
@if($today_date >= $entry->expire_date)
// do something
// do something

Date format: YYYY-MM-DD

But this is not working.

Please help



I tried this:

    use Carbon\Carbon;
    $today_date = Carbon::now();

    foreach ($entries as $k => $entry) {
        $expire_date = Carbon::createFromFormat('Y-m-d', $entry->expire_date);

and it gives me error like: image

One more thing expire_date is of text type in my database so this might be the problem.


There are 5 answers

    use Carbon\Carbon;
    $today_date = Carbon::now();

    foreach ($entries as $k => $entry) {
        $expire_date = Carbon::createFromFormat('Y-m-d', $entry->expire_date);
        $data_difference = $today_date->diffInDays($expire_date, false);  //false param

        if($data_difference > 0) {
            //not expired
        elseif($data_difference < 0) {
        } else {


The false parameter is optional and indicates if you want the return value to be the absolute value or a relative value that might have a - (negative) sign if the passed in date is less than the current instance. This will default to true, return the absolute value.

More here

Divyesh Patel On

Use This => Carbon::now();

and format your date as your format(YYYY-MM-DD). Store that date in var and compare that var to expiry date.

There problem in your today_date format.

today_date give a date and time both.

aynber On

Since expire_date is text, you'll need to convert it. Luckily, with Carbon, it's easy to do:

$expire_date = Carbon::createFromFormat('Y-m-d', $entry->expire_date);

Then you can use it to compare


You may want to make sure that $expire_date is not null and does not throw any errors first. It would also be easier if you stored your dates in the database as a date or date time column, to make sure its always in a correct format, and you can also add it as a timestamp in your model, or apply Carbon as an accessor function.

parpar On

You need to format your Cabon date object first to match the date(string) value from your DB data.

@if($today_date->format("Y-m-d") >= $entry->expire_date)

It gets printed because your PHP tag is wrong.. missing "?", should be <?PHP

yunus kibebu On
    use Carbon\Carbon;
    $today_date = Carbon::now();
    @foreach ($entries as $k => $entry)
@if($entry->expire_date < $today_date)
<p> Expired Date </p>
<p> Expired</p>      