compare std::wstring type and represent of wstring literal in ChaiScript

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I want to write ChaiScript code using std::wstring type like below c++ code.

#include <iostream>

int testfunc(std::wstring s, std::wstring t)
        std::cout << "1" << std::endl;

        std::cout << "2" << std::endl;

        std::cout << "3" << std::endl;

        std::cout << "4" << std::endl;

    return 5;

int main()
    std::cout << testfunc(std::wstring(L"abcd"), std::wstring(L"abbb"));

    return 0;


To compare the instances of std::wstring type is good.

#include <iostream>
#include <chaiscript/chaiscript.hpp>
#include <chaiscript/chaiscript_stdlib.hpp>
#include <chaiscript/dispatchkit/bootstrap_stl.hpp>

int main()
    chaiscript::ChaiScript chai(chaiscript::Std_Lib::library());


    std::cout << chai.eval<std::function<int (std::wstring, std::wstring)> >(
        "fun(s, t){"
        "   if(s==t){"
        "       print(\"1\");"
        "   }"
        "   return 3;"
    )(std::wstring(L"abcd"), std::wstring(L"abaa"));

    return 0;


To compare the instances of wchar_t type doesn't work.

Do the compare operator method must be added?

        "   if(s[1]==t[1]){"
        "       print(\"2\");"
        "   }"

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'chaiscript::exception::eval_error'
  what():  Error: "Error with numeric operator calling: =="

To compare the instance of std::wstring type with the literal of string type doesn't work. I cannot input the literal of wstring type.

Is it possible to input the literal of wstring type in ChaiScript?

        "   if(s==\"aaaa\"){"
        "       print(\"2\");"
        "   }"

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'chaiscript::exception::eval_error'
  what():  Error: "Can not find appropriate '==' operator." With parameters: (wstring, const string)

To compare the instance of wchar_t type with the literal of wchar_t type doesn't work. I cannot input the literal of wchat_t type.

Is it possible to input the literal of wchat_t type in ChaiScript?

        "   if(s[1]=='b'){"
        "       print(\"2\");"
        "   }"

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'chaiscript::exception::eval_error'
  what():  Error: "Error with numeric operator calling: =="

There are 2 answers

lefticus On

Yes, you will need to tell ChaiScript something about wchar_t, such as the == operator. For example:

  chaiscript::fun<bool (wchar_t, wchar_t)>(
    [](wchar_t lhs, wchar_t rhs) { return lhs == rhs; }
  ), "=="
marunguy On

I think that the native support wchar_t need in ChaiScript.

"Error with numeric operator calling: " exception is generated in chaiscript_eval.hpp.

If the type of variable is arithmetic, Boxed_Number::do_oper() is called.

// chaiscript_eval.hpp, line 98
if (t_oper != Operators::invalid && t_lhs.get_type_info().is_arithmetic() && t_rhs.get_type_info().is_arithmetic())
  // If it's an arithmetic operation we want to short circuit dispatch
    return Boxed_Number::do_oper(t_oper, t_lhs, t_rhs);
  } catch (const chaiscript::exception::arithmetic_error &) {
  } catch (...) {
    throw exception::eval_error("Error with numeric operator calling: " + t_oper_string);
} else {

It seems to use std::is_arithmetic to determine whether arithmetic type or not.

// type_info.hpp, 133 line
struct Get_Type_Info
    typedef T type;

     static Type_Info get()
      return Type_Info(std::is_const<typename std::remove_pointer<typename std::remove_reference<T>::type>::type>::value, std::is_reference<T>::value, std::is_pointer<T>::value, 
          std::is_arithmetic<T>::value && !std::is_same<typename std::remove_const<T>::type, bool>::value,
          &typeid(typename Bare_Type<T>::type));

wchat_t is the arithmetic type.

std::cout << std::is_arithmetic<wchar_t>::value << std::endl;
std::cout << std::is_arithmetic<std::string>::value << std::endl;


If the type is arithmetic, oper() method for Boxed_Value is called. But, wchar_t type is not supported in oper() method.

// boxed_number.hpp, 295 line
inline static Boxed_Value oper(Operators::Opers t_oper, const Boxed_Value &t_lhs, const Boxed_Value &t_rhs)
  const Type_Info &inp_ = t_lhs.get_type_info();

  if (inp_ == typeid(int)) {
    return oper_rhs<int>(t_oper, t_lhs, t_rhs);
  } else if (inp_ == typeid(double)) {
    return oper_rhs<double>(t_oper, t_lhs, t_rhs);
  } else if (inp_ == typeid(long double)) {
    return oper_rhs<long double>(t_oper, t_lhs, t_rhs);
  } else if (inp_ == typeid(float)) {
    return oper_rhs<float>(t_oper, t_lhs, t_rhs);
  } else if (inp_ == typeid(char)) {
    return oper_rhs<char>(t_oper, t_lhs, t_rhs);
  } else if (inp_ == typeid(unsigned int)) {
    return oper_rhs<unsigned int>(t_oper, t_lhs, t_rhs);
  } else if (inp_ == typeid(long)) {
    return oper_rhs<long>(t_oper, t_lhs, t_rhs);
  } else if (inp_ == typeid(unsigned long)) {
    return oper_rhs<unsigned long>(t_oper, t_lhs, t_rhs);
  } else if (inp_ == typeid(std::int8_t)) {
    return oper_rhs<std::int8_t>(t_oper, t_lhs, t_rhs);
  } else if (inp_ == typeid(std::int16_t)) {
    return oper_rhs<std::int16_t>(t_oper, t_lhs, t_rhs);
  } else if (inp_ == typeid(std::int32_t)) {
    return oper_rhs<std::int32_t>(t_oper, t_lhs, t_rhs);
  } else if (inp_ == typeid(std::int64_t)) {
    return oper_rhs<std::int64_t>(t_oper, t_lhs, t_rhs);
  } else if (inp_ == typeid(std::uint8_t)) {
    return oper_rhs<std::uint8_t>(t_oper, t_lhs, t_rhs);
  } else if (inp_ == typeid(std::uint16_t)) {
    return oper_rhs<std::uint16_t>(t_oper, t_lhs, t_rhs);
  } else if (inp_ == typeid(std::uint32_t)) {
    return oper_rhs<std::uint32_t>(t_oper, t_lhs, t_rhs);
  } else if (inp_ == typeid(std::uint64_t)) {
    return oper_rhs<std::uint64_t>(t_oper, t_lhs, t_rhs);
  } else  {
    throw chaiscript::detail::exception::bad_any_cast();

I add the code to support wchar_t type like below in all place used inp == typeid(char).

} else if (inp_ == typeid(char)) {
    return go<LHS, char>(t_oper, t_lhs, t_rhs);
} else if (inp_ == typeid(wchar_t)) {
    return go<LHS, wchar_t>(t_oper, t_lhs, t_rhs);
} else if (inp_ == typeid(unsigned int)) {

My test code works well.

std::cout << chai.eval<std::function<int (wchar_t a, wchar_t b)> >(
    "fun(a, b){"
    "   if(a==b){"
    "       print(\"2\");"
    "   }"
    "   return 3;"
)(wchar_t(L'a'), wchar_t(L'a'));
