The python 3.x code (listed below) does a great job of comparing files from two different directories (Input_1 and Input_2) and finding the files that match (are the same between the two directories). Is there a way I can alter the existing code (below) to find files that are the same BY NAME ONLY between the two directories. (i.e. find matches by name only and not name + extension)?
comparison = filecmp.dircmp(Input_1, Input_2) #Specifying which directories to compare
common_files = ', '.join(comparison.common) #Finding the common files between the directories
TextFile.write("Common Files: " + common_files + '\n') # Writing the common files to a new text file
- Example:
- Directory 1 contains: Tacoma.xlsx, Prius.txt, Landcruiser.txt
- Directory 2 contains: Tacoma.doc, Avalon.xlsx, Rav4.doc
"TACOMA" are two different files (different extensions). Could I use basename or splitext somehow to compare files by name only and have it return "TACOMA" as a matching file?
To get the file name, try:
This stores
. So to compare files, run:Now just call it:
As you know python is case-sensitive, if you want common files, no matter if they contain uppers or lowers, then instead of:
You're code worked very well! Thank you again, Infinity TM! The final use of the code is as follows for anyone else to look at. (Note: that Input_3 and Input_4 are the directories)