I am trying to make my own MusicPlayer for android. Where i came to a problem is running some things in background. Main activity manages GUI and up to now all the songs are playing. I wanted to separate GUI and music playing classes. I want to put music managing part in Service and leave other things as they are now.
My problem is that i can't organize communication between Activity and Service as lot of communication is happening between them including moving objects in both directions. I tried many techniques that I searched here on Stack Overflow but every time I had problems. I need Service to be able to send objects to Activity and vice versa. When I add widget i also want it to be able to communicate with Service.
Any tips are appreciated, if you need source code place comment bellow but now in this transition it became chaotic.
Is there any more advanced tutorial on this than calling one method that returns random number from service? :P
EDIT: Possible solution is to use RoboGuice library and move objects with injection
I have implemented communication between Activity and Service using Bind and Callbacks interface.
For sending data to the service I used Binder which retruns the Service instace to the Activity, and then the Activity can access public methods in the Service.
To send data back to the Activity from the Service, I used Callbacks interface like you are using when you want to communicate between Fragment and Activity.
Here is some code samples for each: The following example shows Activity and Service bidirectional relationship: The Activity has 2 buttons: The first button will start and stop the service. The second button will start a timer which runs in the service.
The service will update the Activity through callback with the timer progress.
My Activity:
And here is the service: