I need move and then delete directories where file was located from disk. The structure looks like that:
My code looks like this:
@echo off
cd Export
for /D %%I in (%~dp0Export\*) do (
set "input=%%~nI"
for /f "tokens=2 delims=_" %%a in ("!input!") do (
md %~dp0new_reports\new_report_%%a
cd Report_%%a
for /R %%f in (*.pdf) do (
for %%S in (%%f) do (
if %%~zS NEQ "0" (
move %%f %~dp0new_reports\new_report_%%a
cd ..
set "id=%%a"
echo !id!
rmdir /S /Q "%~dp0Export\Report_!id!\"
@echo Finished ....
But rmdir deletes only subfolder with ID (/12345), but Report_1 folder is still there, but is empty. I tried echo "%~dp0Export\Report_!id!\" and it looks ok.
So on the end of the script structure looks like this:
and I need remove folders Report_1 and so on, as well.
If I copy command to console it works but in batch script it is not working how I need.
Would something like this suit your purpose?
I have created the new directories inside the Export directory for now, just to keep everything together. Change
in both locations to change to your preferred structure.