I have a simple problem that I just cant find a good solution for. I have a textbox bound to a double property value. The user can enter values into the textbox, but I only want to allow values between 0 and 100. I would like to show a red box around the textbox if an invalid value is entered while the textbox still has focus (UpdateSourceTrigger="PropertyChanged"). Should the user click away from the textbox, I want to clamp the value using a value converter on UpdateSourceTrigger="LostFocus".
Its easy to do either the validation rule or the converter, but I can not combine them as I want the validation to trigger on UpdateSourceTrigger="PropertyChanged" and the converter should trigger on UpdateSourceTrigger="LostFocus". Unfortunately I can only choose either one or the other when setting up the binding on my TextBox.Text.
Any good ideas about how I could implement this functionality?
Thank you
That's an interesting question. I'm not sure I have a complete solution, but I'd like to throw out a couple ideas.
What do you think of creating a new class that derives from TextBox? It could have two dependency properties, MinValue and MaxValue. Then it could override OnLostFocus. (Disclaimer: I haven't tested the following code.)
This would eliminate the need for a converter, and your binding can use UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged to support your validation rule.
My suggestion admittedly has its drawbacks.