combine multiple CAAnimation sequentially

2k views Asked by At

I was reading about CATransactions and then thought this might help solve my problem.

This is what I wan't to do: I have 3 animations in the same layer, which all have their own duration. I create the animations using CAKeyframeAnimation with a CGMutablePathRef.

say for example:

  • anim1 -> duration 5s
  • anim2 -> 3s
  • anim3 -> 10s

Now I want to serialize them sequentially. I tried to use CAAnimationGroup but the animations run concurrently. I read about CATransaction, is it a possible solution? Can you give me a little example?

thanks for help !


There are 2 answers

Alexei Sholik On

If by serialization you mean starting each animation after the previous one has finished, use the beginTime property (defined in CAMediaTiming protocol). Note that its documentation is a little misleading. Here's an example:

anim2.beginTime = anim1.beginTime + anim1.duration;
anim3.beginTime = anim2.beginTime + anim2.duration;
Mrug On

If You are sure to do this thing with Layers then you may try like following

Using Completion Block in CATransactions

-(void)animateThreeAnimationsOnLayer:(CALayer*)layer animation:(CABasicAnimation*)firstOne animation:(CABasicAnimation*)secondOne animation:(CABasicAnimation*)thirdOne{
    [CATransaction begin];

        [CATransaction setCompletionBlock:^{
            [CATransaction begin];

            [CATransaction setCompletionBlock:^{
                [CATransaction begin];

                [CATransaction setCompletionBlock:^{
                    //If any thing on completion of all animations
                [layer addAnimation:thirdOne forKey:@"thirdAnimation"];
                [CATransaction commit];
            [layer addAnimation:secondOne forKey:@"secondAnimation"];
            [CATransaction commit];
    [layer addAnimation:firstOne forKey:@"firstAnimation"];
    [CATransaction commit];


Another way is by applying delay to begin animation.

-(void)animateThreeAnimation:(CALayer*)layer animation:(CABasicAnimation*)firstOne animation:(CABasicAnimation*)secondOne animation:(CABasicAnimation*)thirdOne{

    [layer addAnimation:firstOne forKey:@"firstAnim"];
    [layer addAnimation:secondOne forKey:@"secondAnim"];
    [layer addAnimation:thirdOne forKey:@"thirdAnim"];

And if You are going to use UIVIew Animation

//if View is applicable in your requirement then you can look this one;
    [UIView animateWithDuration:2.0 animations:^{
        //first Animation
    } completion:^(BOOL finished) {
        [UIView animateWithDuration:2.0 animations:^{
            //Second Animation
        } completion:^(BOOL finished) {
            [UIView animateWithDuration:2.0 animations:^{
                //Third Animation
