I have made a Graph with R/rCharts/highcharts inside a markdown document. I produce a plot which includes (besides other commands) this command, which causes the problem in rmarkdown:
plot$yAxis(labels = list(formatter = "#! function() {return (this.value) + '%';} !#"),
# The maximum value should always be 100
max = 100,
# Subtract 5 percent from the minimum value as
# minimum value for the y Axis.
min = max(minimum - 5, 0))
Which looks just fine when I look at it in rStudio viewer:
However, when I use the same code inside rmarkdown, the columns seem to start on the wrong position:
Which is caused by the hard setting of the yAxis minimum value. The code creating the error in markdown is exactly the same as above. Only to plot, i use this command:
plot$show('iframesrc', cdn = TRUE)
The columns start position does not seem to be updated.. Do you have any idea what causes the error?