I wan to format a report to look like so:
I have replicated the data like so:
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys .objects
WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'dbo.CompareVal' )
AND type in (N'U'))
DROP TABLE dbo.CompareVal;
CREATE TABLE dbo.CompareVal
(CompareValID INT Not Null
, ValName NVARCHAR(75) Null
, Vehicle INT Null
, Driver INT Null
INSERT INTO CompareVal(CompareValID, ValName, Vehicle, Driver)
VALUES(1,'ABC Company Value',10, 15)
--SELECT * FROM #CompareVal
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys .objects
WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'dbo.GroupStatistic' )
AND type in (N'U'))
DROP TABLE dbo.GroupStatistic;
CREATE TABLE GroupStatistic
(StatisticID INT IDENTITY(1,1)
, CompanyName NVARCHAR(75) Null
, [Description] NVARCHAR(75) Null
, VehicleAvalible INT Null
, DriverAvailable INT Null
INSERT INTO GroupStatistic(CompanyName, [Description], VehicleAvalible, DriverAvailable)
VALUES ('APC and Sons', 'Something..', 5, 7)
, ('ABC Camp limited', 'We deliver..', 15, 15)
, ('Silas and Sons', 'Anything goes.', 10, 7)
, ('Richard and Co', 'Helping you all the way.', Null, Null)
, ('Kayla and Jane', '', 0, 3)
, ('James and Jane', '', 1, 0)
--SELECT * FROM #GroupStatistic
SELECT CompanyName
, [Description]
, ISNULL(CAST(VehicleAvalible AS NVARCHAR(30)),'N/A') AS VehicleAvalible
, ISNULL(CAST(DriverAvailable AS NVARCHAR(30)),'No Driver available') AS DriverAvailable
, 0 AS TotalVehicles
, 0 AS TotalDrivers
FROM GroupStatistic
SELECT '' AS CompanyName
, 'Group Value Standard' AS [Description]
, CAST(Vehicle AS NVARCHAR(30)) AS VehicleAvalible
, CAST(Driver AS NVARCHAR(30)) AS DriverAvailable
, Vehicle
, Driver
FROM CompareVal
And my expression for "VehicleAvailable" column is :
=Switch(Fields!Description.Value = "Group Value Standard" AND Fields!VehicleAvalible.Value = Fields!TotalVehicles.Value, "Black"
, Fields!Description.Value = "Group Value Standard" AND Fields!VehicleAvalible.Value < Fields!TotalVehicles.Value, "Black"
, Fields!Description.Value = "Group Value Standard" AND Fields!VehicleAvalible.Value > Fields!TotalVehicles.Value, "Black"
, Fields!Description.Value <> "Group Value Standard" AND Fields!VehicleAvalible.Value < Fields!TotalVehicles.Value, "Gold"
, Fields!Description.Value <> "Group Value Standard" AND Fields!VehicleAvalible.Value > Fields!TotalVehicles.Value, "Red"
, Fields!Description.Value = "Group Value Standard" AND Fields!VehicleAvalible.Value = Fields!TotalVehicles.Value, "Blue"
This doesn't work as I am comparing integer against text value. How do I format to get result like the image shown above?
I would add a column to the SELECT e.g. VehicleAvailableInt that would return a integer value - then use that in the Expression.
You could also rationalise your Switch code - it seems to me the first 3 cases could be replaced with just:
Fields!Description.Value = "Group Value Standard" , "Black"
Also your last Switch case will probably never be reached?