i am using the cffile tag in a coldfusion 2016 app(website) to upload images from the user to the server.
i have been ordered to stop using cffile and start using the underlying java instead because it is more efficient.
i was given this code which shows how to take a dir of files and zip them with the core java. But was not smart enough to use it for my needs.
i need a page to receive a simple POST and move the file posted to a specific directory on the server. usually on the "action" page of a website i would use:
cffile action="upload" filefield="FieldNameFromPostedForm" destination="MyDirectoryOnServer"
can anyone point me in a direction to see under the hood of coldfusion so i can end up with some magic like:
FileOutputStream = createobject("java", "java.io.FileOutputStream");
in a function.
Progress Report:
I am closer to what i was told to do. the file is written to the server but i am getting an error afterwards so i am missing a piece of the puzzle
function bj_script(source, server_dest_Path) {
try {
FileOutputStream = createobject("java", "java.io.FileOutputStream");
BufferedOutputStream = createobject("java", "java.io.BufferedOutputStream");
FileInputStream = createobject("java", "java.io.FileInputStream");
BufferedInputStream = createobject("java","java.io.BufferedInputStream");
the_file = createobject("java","java.io.File");
thisbyte = 0;
while (thisbyte neq -1){
thisbyte = BufferedInputStream.read();
if (thisbyte neq -1){
return true;
catch(Any exception) {
return exception;
<form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input type="File" name="test"><br>
<input type="Submit"><br>
<cfif request_method is "post">
<cfset ccc = bj_script(form.test, "C:\inetpub\wwwroot\mywebsite\temp_img\blah.jpg") />
after the image in my test uploads i get an error returned of type " java.io.IOException" with the message being "Stream Closed"
i must be doing the while loop incorrectly. can any java nerds tell me what to change?
Here's something I wrote a few years ago to do nearly that exact thing with a ColdFusion ResultSet. Should serve as a decent primer on how to connect to a Java class from CF and write files.
It may be worth pointing out that CFFile also uses the underlying Java to write the file?