I'm trying to write a coffeescript class that when constructing a new object from it, it checks to see if an ID was passed. If so, try to find a document matching and populate object from that. If no ID is passed, generate a new ID an create a new document. I'm using mongojs
to connect to my mongodb. However when I create a new object from the TestObject class, it throws an error that the collection name needs to be a string. I set @collection as a string on that class so I console.log the @collection property and its undefined. Whats going on here and how can I make this work?
class MongoObject
constructor: (id) ->
@_id = if typeof id is 'undefined' then require('node-uuid').v4() else id
@db = require('mongojs') config.mongo_server, [@collection]
_id: @_id,
(error, story) ->
# Matching document found. Import data from document
if not error and story
for field, value of story
@[field] = value if field is not '_id'
# Matching document not found. Creating new one
if not error and not story
id: @id
# Error occured
if error and not story
console.error error
class TestObject extends MongoObject
@collection = 'TestObjects'
constructor: (id) ->
Rereading my code its clear that its an issue with the constructor and @collection being undefined in MongoObject. Is there a better approach to doing this? I could create a setupDB
method and call that in each class's constructor that extends MongoObject after the super call but not what I was hoping for.
Edit 2
I revised my code. However I'm now getting an error that constructor
is undefined. When I looked at the compiled javascript its pointing to constructor;
at the top of the MongoObject code. Oddly enough coffeescript didn't put var constructor;
which is normally what happens. I've posted the translated javascript just for reference
class MongoObject
collection: undefined
constructor: (id) ->
@_id = if typeof id is 'undefined' then require('node-uuid').v4() else id
@db = require('mongojs') config.mongo_server, [@collection]
_id: @_id,
(error, story) ->
# Matching document found. Import data from document
if not error and story
for field, value of story
@[field] = value if field is not '_id'
# Matching document not found. Creating new one
if not error and not story
id: @id
# Error occured
if error and not story
console.error error
class TestObject extends MongoObject
collection = 'TestObjects'
constructor: (id) ->
MongoObject = (function() {
MongoObject.prototype.collection = void 0;
function MongoObject(id) {
this._id = typeof id === 'undefined' ? require('node-uuid').v4() : id;
this.db = require('mongojs')(config.mongo_server, [this.collection]);
_id: this._id
}, function(error, story) {
var field, value;
if (!error && story) {
for (field in story) {
value = story[field];
if (field === !'_id') {
this[field] = value;
if (!error && !story) {
id: this.id
if (error && !story) {
return MongoObject;
TestObject = (function(_super) {
var collection;
__extends(TestObject, _super);
collection = 'TestObjects';
function TestObject(id) {
TestObject.__super__.constructor.call(this, 'TestObject');
return TestObject;
Edit 3
Updated my code per my comments. Its saying that @constructor.collection
is undefined in
id: @id
I assume its because its in the callback function of save. One step foward, two steps back.
Revised code
class MongoObject
constructor: (id) ->
@_id = if typeof id is 'undefined' then require('node-uuid').v4() else id
@db = require('mongojs') config.mongo_server, [@constructor.collection]
_id: @_id,
(error, story) ->
# Matching document found. Import data from document
if not error and story
for field, value of story
@[field] = value if field is not '_id'
# Matching document not found. Creating new one
if not error and not story
id: @id
# Error occured
if error and not story
console.error error
class TestObject extends MongoObject
@collection: 'TestObjects'
constructor: (id) ->
This is the solution I ended up with