Code Sign Issue with Swift project

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I have .p12 certificate installed and a provisioning profile. When i Run the Project Created in Objective -C , it runs perfectly fine in my iOS Device(ver 7.1) but when I run Project created in Swift it throws me an Code sign error as:

Couldn't codesign /Users/sulabh/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/FacebookTutorial-fcrwkfacnatqsfcowdihbdhybvhz/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/ codesign failed with exit code 1 Command /Applications/ failed with exit code 1

I have tried reinstalling xcode, and removing certificate from keychain, changing Build setting. but nothing works for Swift project. What is the issue and how could I resolve it?


There are 6 answers

Mert Buran On

You need to re-generate your provisioning profile from Apple Developer Center. As far as I know they add something new to profiles and that causes the problem.

Wingzero On

Make sure your provisioning file contains the correct bundle id for your swift project. If you are using push service, also double check if the push service certificate is correct. Many problems are related to bundle id mismatch.

Also, explicitly choose the corresponding signing certificate and provisioning file for each project. Using automatic may cause issue as well.

swiftyboi On

For me, the problem was that I forgot to install my new provisioning profile after downloading it. I just had to click on it to open it in Keychain Access and all of a sudden the problem was fixed.

harish kandikatla On

I restarted Xcode, cleaned build folder and checked certificates,provisioning profiles.It worked for me

iOS.Lover On

I renamed the old provision and create a new profile with new name and worked fine , for example if your old file name is APP.mobileprovision change it to APP_New.mobileprovision from iOS Provisioning website and add it again

weienw On

I tried a number of solutions, and what ended up fixing it was updating Xcode to the latest version (from 7.2.x to 7.3.x).