Code runs on local Julia but breaks on computer cluster when adding RCall package

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I have a code that runs well on local julia but fails when I try running them on a cluster. It breaks when I do Pkg.add(“RCall”). Before I run Julia I have already loaded module Julia/1.8.2 and R/4.2.1-foss-2022a. Then I cd to where my julia project is and execute the code.

The error message is

┌ Error: curl_easy_setopt: 48

└ @ Downloads.Curl /cache/build/default-amdci4-6/julialang/julia-release-1-dot-8/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.8/Downloads/src/Curl/utils.jl:29

┌ Error: curl_easy_setopt: 48

└ @ Downloads.Curl /cache/build/default-amdci4-6/julialang/julia-release-1-dot-8/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.8/Downloads/src/Curl/utils.jl:29

┌ Error: curl_easy_setopt: 48

└ @ Downloads.Curl /cache/build/default-amdci4-6/julialang/julia-release-1-dot-8/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.8/Downloads/src/Curl/utils.jl:29

By the way, Julia exit by itself after shows the above error message and then this message shown in the terminal: Segmentation fault.

An update: then I try to load R after I cd to the julia project, this time RCall runs successfully but I still get curl_easy_setopt:48 as shown above. Although the package works fine now but I don't understand the error message.

Can anyone help me understand what happened and how to fix it?

Kind regards,



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